Contacts and Location
Phone: (858) 534-8298
To make an online report of bias, harassment or discrimination, please visit our reporting page.
Our mailing address is:
Office for the Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination
University of California San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
Mail Code 0024
La Jolla, CA 92093-0024
Operating Hours
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m, with the exception of University holidays
Office Location
Our office is located in Pepper Canyon Hall, fourth floor, suite 470 (behind Gilman Parking Structure).
We are currently working a hybrid remote schedule. To make a virtual or phone appointment, please email us at In-person appointments available upon request.
Michael S. Diaz
Director and Title IX Officer
Alexandra Lohman
Associate Director (Campus)
(858) 534-3669
Helen (Kaiser) Smith
Associate Director (Health) and Deputy Title IX Officer
(858) 534-9104
Amanda DaSilva
Complaint Resolution Officer
(858) 534-3667
Andrea Hopkins
Sr. Complaint Resolution Officer (Health)
(858) 534-4560
Arlene Meza
Sr. Complaint Resolution Officer (Health)
(858) 534-8044
Christina Jaquez
Complaint Resolution Officer
(858) 246-0148
Erin Levy
Sr. Complaint Resolution Officer
(858) 534-4658
Michael Budelsky
Sr. Complaint Resolution Officer
(858) 534-8150
Susan Gilmor
Sr. Complaint Resolution Officer
(858) 822-3702
Gwen Peck
Response Team Coordinator
(858) 534-4024
Evan Centala
Intake/Case Coordinator
(858) 246-3552
Emily Ferman
Intake/Case Coordinator (Health)
(858) 246-3551
Audrey Purnama
Administrative Officer
(858) 534-9103
Staff Training
Title IX Officers and Complaint Resolution Officers participate in annual seminars and training sessions to stay up-to-date:
Systemwide Title IX Training, September 2019
Systemwide Title IX Training, December 2019