- Patient Resources
- UC San Diego Contacts & Resources
- Resources Outside UC San Diego
- Flyers and Handouts
- Antisemitism Resources
Academic Employee Relations
Black Resource Center
CARE at the Sexual Assault Resource Center (CARE at SARC)
Center for Student Involvement
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Cross Cultural Center
DisAbility Counseling and Consulting
Employee Relations, Policy Development and Work/Life
Equal Opportunity/Staff Affirmative Action
Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP)
Graduate Division
Graduate Medical Education
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center
Office for Students with Disabilities
Office of Student Conduct (OSC)
Office of the Chancellor
Office of the Ombuds
Raza Resource Centro
Student Legal Services
Student Veterans Resource Center
Undocumented Student Services Center
Women's Center
UC San Diego Health Sciences Human Resources
UC San Diego Police Department
Whistleblower Hotline (877) 403-4744
"Dear Colleague Letter: Transgender Students" from the Office for Civil Rights (2016)
Expanded Sexual Assault and Violence Prevention Services at UC San Diego (2015)
"Dear Colleague Letter: Sexual Violence" from the Office for Civil Rights (2011)
"Dear Colleague Letter: Harassment and Bullying" from the Office for Civil Rights (2010)
"Dear Colleague Letter: First Amendment" from the Office for Civil Rights (2003)